Our Solution Offerings

Our solutions leverage our two key assets: Technology and Professional Services


Our proprietary technology is pivotal in orchestrating the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs), tackling key challenges such as:

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Our streamlined chains incorporate the latest best practices to enhance the reasoning accuracy of LLMs on proprietary know-how, including documents, videos, and spreadsheets. Our advanced RAG technology lies at the heart of our system, aimed at increasing precision and reducing complexity in your Generative AI applications, turning what was once an ambitious goal into a tangible reality.

Hallucination Management

LLMs, like any intelligent system, are prone to what we term 'hallucinations', or the generation of unreal content. Our technology addresses this challenge, aiming to completely eliminate hallucinations, thereby providing your projects with the perfect balance between content generation and reliability.

We are passionate about challenges and are eager to organize a personalized demo for you. Provide us with the scope of your problem and discover the potential of our technology in a practical way: the real case is our proving ground.


Our AI consulting services unlock technology's full potential, enhancing your operations and products. Going beyond strategic consulting, we create and seamlessly integrate customized models and solutions, fostering innovation and efficiency.

With expertise in advanced AI and strong ethical standards, we deliver responsible, cutting-edge solutions.

Technology Consulting and AI Governance

We provide strategic consulting to C-level and executives on successfully integrating Generative AI within corporate operations.

Augmented software Factory

Empower your software factory with Generative AI tools. We accompany companies in enhancing productivity throughout the entire DevOps cycle.


We offer tailor-made training courses ranging from general AI skills programmes to advanced technical courses for developers and engineers.

Prototyping and MVP development

From concept to prototype, we assist you in creating Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) based on Generative AI.

Integration of generative AI

We integrate Generative AI solutions with your existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition and immediate impact.

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